CEYBL / Contacts

Welcome to the website of the Central European Youth Basketball League!

This project was created in 2018, when it was played in the category of boys U14. Since then, the number of teams and categories has expanded every year.

The main goal is to provide clubs in Central Europe with the possibility of international comparison. This is a long-term competition in which 3 tournaments are prepared for each team in the basic part. The best 6 teams after the regular part advance to the final final tournament.

In the current season 2024/2025, thanks to the great interest in our competition, we exceeded the limit of 100 teams in the competition.

The following categories are open with the following number of participants:

U12 (2013) - 10 teams

U13 (2012) - 22 teams

U14 (2011) - 26 teams

U15 (2010) - 30 teams

U17 (2008 + 2009) - 18 teams

On the website you will find the schedule and results of all tournaments, photo galleries from matches, statistics and other interesting facts.

Live broadcasts of all matches on our YouTube channel, as well as post-match press conferences, are already a traditional standard for us.

In addition, the website is prepared in all languages ​​of the participating countries so that every fan of his team can find the information. Please excuse any inaccurate translations generated automatically using Google Translate.

Let's hope that a full season can be played this year!

translated by Google
Martin Šorf
competition director
telefon +420 602 33 55 13
email martin.sorf@seznam.cz
web www.ceybl.eu
facebook www.facebook.com/CEYBL
instagram www.instagram.com/CEYBL
youtube www.youtube.com/@centraleuropeanyouthbasket618
Jiří Pavýza
operations manager
telefon +420 774 981 470
email pavyza@ceybl.eu
Válečníci Děčín
Královští Sokoli Hradec Králové



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